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Testimonials : Sahara Highlights

The dunes, the camping and the walking were what I expected: fabulous. Food was very delicious, and the camping was wonderful. Great experience walking in the desert, great time frame and the distance was ideal to be at camp during the hottest time of the day. Climbing up the dunes and sleeping in the sand under the stars were highlights of the trip. Appreciated the good route planning, having the sun was in the back while walking.

Sahara Desert Trek 2023

A once in a lifetime experience. Emotional (in a good way) and really rewarding.

Gemma Kidd, Sahara Desert Trek

Both our guides were brilliant. Gemma was great, really kind, caring and very helpful. Our local guide as well as the cooks, drivers and Alli the camel man were also brilliant. They were funny, happy and very friendly!

Faye Singleton, Sahara Desert Trek

Unbelievably tough but the company we went with were amazing and Gemma, the team leader, was superb. The local team were fantastic, the camels were life savers and it was an experience I will never forget.

Patricia Brunskill, Sahara Desert Trek

Amazing, life changing experience that’s addictive and would strongly would recommend them to do asap!

Trekstock, Sahara Desert Trek

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