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Testimonials : Rapid Kilimanjaro Ascent

The Kilimanjaro trip was really tough but because it was well led by Jo and Mussa, there was a feeling that we could achieve anything asked of us as we felt we in such safe hands! Highlight were The Baranco Wall, summiting and getting to know new friends really well. Feeling very close to my limit, but surviving and reflecting back on the experience as positive.

Sally Louden, Kilimanjaro

I just wanted to thank you and all at 360 for the most amazingly organised trip, 10/10. Without such a ‘fine tuned machine’ as 360 Expeditions, I’m pretty sure the trip would not have been as successful. All of the team, the food and the continued support was exemplary….Thank you. But, most of all I would like to say that the true professionalism, strength, continued support and perseverance of Jo was our ticket of success to reaching the summit. I would recommend 360 every time.

Michelle Fulford, Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro was an excellent, well organised trip from start to finish.  Tremendous job done by the porters, guides and support staff locally, they are a credit to 360 and Mussa. The climb was challenging but rewarding!

Alan Bevan, Kilimanjaro

The whole experience from start to finish outweighed my expectations by miles. Not only was the trip extremely well organised by 360 Expeditions but the leadership from the guides and support from the porters and crew were out of this world. My highlights included the Baranco Wall scramble, summiting Kilimanjaro and singing and dancing with the team and crew. It was just simply amazing from start to finish; the scenery, the crew, the support and the challenge.

Discover Guildford Team, Kilimanjaro

Climbing Kilimanjaro is both a physical and mental challenge, but the experience of being with the mountain family is just awesome and the sense of achievement when you reach the top is immense. My highlights were reaching the top (obviously) and the singing and dancing of the porters when we arrived to camp. And bed tea! 🙂

Nicky Applegarth, Kilimanjaro

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