Explore 360

Testimonials : Mountaineering

A huge thankyou to 360 and all the staff involved with this trip. Totally exhausted mentally and physically! However, extremely happy with himself. A huge thankyou to our guide, Gianni, without whom he would not have made it.

Howard - Aconcagua 2023

Gianni and Mercedes combined well throughout as guides, sound advice at all times. Specifically, meticulous preparation from base camp to C1 / C2 / C3 to the summit and back down. Likewise, both did much more than guiding . The acclimatisation works well, the itinerary is excellent in terms of summit preparation.

Bill L

Beautiful Mera. You don’t know the strength of a company or confirmation of what they ‘Say’ they will do , until it actually really happens to you…I wish , pretty much everyday that I could have summited Mera , however life carries on just the same , I got rescued off Mera , totally cared for , flown home and very grateful to the wonderful service the 360 team said they would do – they know exactly what they are doing !!!!! You’re in safe hands.

Brian T

If the last year has taught me anything it is there is always something to be happy about and we need to fit in as much fun as humanly possible. Your trip forms a big part of that, so thank you and your team for having the vision and expertise to put it together.

Paul S

Had the best time, gained soo much experience from Rolfe and Jo (our guides). Summiting the stunning peak of Aneto (the highest in the Pyrenees) was just the icing on the cake!

Kim T

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